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College Toxicity and Chemical Disaster Prevention and Control Education Promotion Plan in 2019

Through the college's toxic chemical disaster prevention activities, such as courses, keynote speeches and promotional activities, campus students and teachers are aware of chemical hazards and simple contingency measures for poisonous substances.During the project, a total of nearly 5,000 teachers and students from 48 schools were implemented, and results and benefits were evaluated for these teachers and students as a reference for future improvement.Conducted visits to the laboratory's chemical safety labeling, personal protection status, waste treatment emergency response plan, etc. During the project period, a total of 33 laboratories in 11 schools were implemented. Follow-up can be used as a reference for further improvement, and as a follow-up case for strengthening the promotion of the education of poisoning disaster prevention and control in colleges and universities. In addition, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, a consensus camp was held. Inviting schools and EPA personnel to participate in the event, mainly to exchange views on important issues including: laboratory safety and health management and old cylinder treatment issues. The safety promotion of the prevention and control of chemical disasters on campus is carried out through the processing of micro-movements and selection activities. The above-mentioned overall results will be presented in the year-end results presentation to enhance the campus's poisoning, disaster prevention, resilience and hazard recognition, and improve the disaster prevention energy of college and university laboratories through education and training.
college's toxic chemical disaster prevention, laboratory safety and health management, old cylinder treatment